8 Nov 2008

Not One of Us & GUD News

My latest short story, In the Cage With Ghosts (mentioned elsewhere in my blog and one I struggled with for the longest time) has been accepted for publication by John Benson, the editor of the respected small press magazine, Not One of Us. No update yet about what issue it will appear in, but I'm looking forward to seeing the story in print. Thank you, John.

And then yesterday I was reading Wikipedia's entry for GUD, a magazine that published one of my short stories in its second issue, and noticed the following under "Awards":

Stories from GUD Issues 0 and 1 received 3 honorable mentions in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror Awards 2008

Steven J. Dines's 'Unzipped'
Sarah Singleton and Chris Butler's 'Song of the Dead'
Leslie Claire Walker's 'Max Velocity'

It was the first I knew about it! I have made some enquiries since, and it seems Wiki have got their facts right - Unzipped received an HM!

Good news indeed.


GUD Magazine said...

Congratulations :D

virtual wine all around!

Cate Gardner said...

Ooh, congratulations. Too outstanding markets.

Robert Aquino Dollesin said...

Congrats, Steven, both for the forthcoming publication of 'in the cage . .' and on the HM for Unzipped. Well deserved.

Steven J. Dines said...

Thanks all!

Rich said...

Well done, man. Sounds like it's been a really good few months for you.

Shame about Lost Lying, but at least you know it is publishable with the right market.



Steven J. Dines said...

Thanks, rich. It's strange, my best results seem to come during my least productive spells. Someone is telling me to get back to writing pronto. Or stop altogether! Thanks for dropping by.

Anonymous said...



Steven J. Dines said...

Likewise, Leslie.